Sloane Elliott

“Sky” is the Limit

In ancient times the slopes of Mount Hymettus buzzed with industrious bees which collected the most famous honey of antiquity. Today, the summits still buzz, but with the hundreds of radio transmission stations, many of which are producing things not so sweet – especially as far as the government is concerned.

Robin Hood and the Sheriff of Nottinghamopolis

One evening last month Premier Mitsotakis, the implacable Sheriff of Greece, had the nerve to sit down in front of a pretty painting by Volanakis and for two hours harangue three TV journalists (and a national-wide audience) on all the things that are going wrong in this country. It was an impressive list.

A Spirit of Place

Surely Lawrence Durrell stood in celebration of life. He said that he learned this wisdom in Greece, but he was always a leg-puller and one can’t quite be sure.

The 1996 Olympics: the Bid and the Challenge

With only a few weeks to go until the final decision as to who will host the 1996 ‘Golden Olympics’, Greece is resorting to a number of political and public relations moves in an attempt to convince the International Olympic Committee (IOC) that it is best suited to stage the Games.