Sloane Elliott

Playing Host

Hospitality to strangers has been a characteristic of Greek life for so long that its divine protector, Zeus Xenios, was enshrined in the pantheon of immortals long before anyone can remember.

Old Suspicions, Alliances Plague Balkan Politics

Statements made by President Karamanlis are usually referred to as ‘cryptic’. Given the large powers which Andreas Papandreou stripped from the presidency in 1985, it’s a wonder he can be deciphered at all. But being simply himself, the Ethnarch, his few but potent words are carefully recorded, spread around and mulled over.

Having Fun in the Land of Eternal Youth

Every so often the Issue of the King breaks out into Greek political life. Like malaria, it’s a latent condition which is most likely to recur when the body politic gets run down from something else, thus becoming susceptible to otherwise dormant forces.

Best of All Things is Oulen

Athenians call their drinking water by the lovely word oulen. Is it not the most beautiful of ancient Greek words? Does not its sound instantly conjure up the image of babbling Arcadian brooks? Did not the great Pindar with the very first words of his first Olympic Ode sing, “Best of all things is oulen?”

Time-out in the Northern Front

All Skopje and no play makes Yiannakis a dull boy. For over a year the Macedonian Issue has dominated the attention of the country to the exclusion of nearly everything else. It is beginning to dawn now on a growing number of people that there are other things to do and think about without being accused of sedition.

What’s in a Double Name: “Mac and Donia”?

The Macedonia hot potato was gingerly passed around by a lot of old hands at the EC meeting in Birmingham last month, and then placed on the Specialties de la Maison list being compiled for the Edinburgh Summit menu in December by which time, most hope, it will have cooled off though one wonders how.

A Star is Stolen

Athenians last month swallowed hard when they heard that members of an Albanian mafia were out to kidnap gold medal champion weight-lifter Pyrrhus Dimas. Although born and raised in Albania (he only received a Greek passpost just before flying off to Barcelona), he is an ethnic Greek, and judging from his first name, probably of royal Epirot descent.