Alec Kitroeff

Lucky Strike

Takis and Makis, the two young burglars, car thieves, muggers, arsonists and reform school graduates were sprawled on a ramshackle settee in the small apartment they shared in Pangrati, idly watching the news on TV.

Getting There

The veteran politician dipped a rusk into his breakfast coffee and leaned forward to keep it from dripping on to his shirt front as he slurped off the soggy part. He looked pensively at his 40-year-old son who was waiting patiently for a reply to his request for a loan.

Forward, Forward

In october 1977, Alec Kitroeff wrote in The Athenian about his experiences with the Greek telephone system. What he had to say then. seems as valid today as it was 15 years ago, which does not say very much for OTE but which makes it a good reason for reprinting the article for your enjoyment.

The First Miracle

Among the Dead Sea scrolls is a document that has only just been deciphered and which is believed to have been an account written by none other than Balthazar- one of the three wise men from the East who came to Bethlehem with gifts for the God-child who had just been born.

The Juju in the Doll

AT a cocktail party last month I saw Costaki Dyskilios again, standing alone with a glass in his hand and the customary constipated look on his face. Everybody else was talking about the recent release of the American hostages in Iran and I asked Costaki what he thought about the whole affair.