Article Selection

La Guerre Est Finie – Or is it ?

Are communist hopes dead for a new world order? Not in Greece, where the leadership is spearheading efforts towards the establishment of a new Communist International – despite the decay of Communism around the world and the extensive exposure of KGB financing of Greek interests.

Greeks and Yugo-Macedonians in Gloomy Deadlock

The author of this article toured Greece’s neighboring former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, as well as Greece’s northern frontier regions. After extensive interviews with the Republic’s political leaders and other influential personalities, he came to the conclusion that the two countries are characterized by mutual suspicion, intransigence and unwillingness to compromise. He also concludes that for the time being there is no hope of a breakthrough on the dispute over the neighboring Republic’s use of the name ‘Macedonia’.

A Stroll Down from the Acropolis

The essence of Greece is deeply rooted in Plaka. Here all those periods of history – Classical, Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine, Ottoman and Neoclassical – are jumbled together. Having paid our respects to the gods and the ancients who worshipped them, we can now celebrate the variety and continuity of Greek life by visiting more modest monuments and museums that are well worth seeing.

Hania: The Uneasy Presence of the Past

The old harbor at Hania with its slightly askew Turkish lighthouse, mole, mosque of the Janissaries, its magnificent Venetian arsenals and its still operative fishing fleet, together with the medieval maze of Old Town that faces onto it make up a living masterpiece of the Mediterranean heritage. Needless to say, the debate over its preservation and restoration is an important and heated one.

Possibly a Compromise

The Athenian’s political-diplomatic correspondent travelled twice to the neighboring former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia within a month. This second time, his meetings included exclusive interviews with President Kiro Gligorov, President of Parliament Stojan Andov, Foreign Undersecretary Aleksandr Dimitrov, and the local Albanian leadership.

The Corfu Channel Incident

Britain and Albania have just concluded a settlement which brings to an end a 46-year-period of strained relations. At long last, the file on what is known as the ‘Corfu Channel Incident’ has been closed