Article Selection

The Hill of the Nymphs

The Feast of St. Marina will be celebrated once again on July 17 with a fair or panigiri atthe Church ofAgia Marina on the eastern slope of the Hill of the Nymphs, opposite the Acropolis, just below the Observatory.

The Easter Week on Mount Athos

ALL THAT my companion and I had for sustenance on the road to Iviron was a quarter kilo of dried peaches. Chewing our way down towards the sea, we encountered an old gentleman on his fourth annual pilgrimage through the religious world of Mount Athos. From behind his bushy white moustache came these words of encouragement: ‘Be in time for the monastery’s Good Friday vigil tonight; you will witness the Miracle of the Kandili.’

That Paradox in Halandri

THE VIEW of the grounds from the Agia Paraskevi Road is unimpressive. A seemingly disordered collection of low-level buildings is scattered behind a long gravel parking lot. There is little hint of vegetation. If you happen to pass by while classes are in session, the buildings seem empty of any human activity.

Where Pythia Left Off

HIGH UP on the southern slopes of Mount Parnassus, thousands of faithful flocked in ancient times to visit the colonnaded temple of Apollo at Delphi, some of them to consult the Oracle. Thousands of tourists flock to the same site today to admire the ancient ruins, which for centuries lay buried and forgotten.

An Athenian Tale

Thousands of tourists visit Greece every year to follow in the footsteps of St. Paul. The Apostle, starting from Antioch, gradually covered the whole territory of Asia Minor and Greece—then part of the Roman Empire—as his mission field.


Graham Greene has described “The Flaw” as a ‘masterpiece’. Arthur Miller has called it a ‘powerful’ book. Arthur Koestlerin a 1969 article named it the best book of the year.

B.A.T.S. in the B.E.L.F.R.I

Wht is it that the British and the Americans have always shown a fondness and a weakness for the Turks? This is a question we Greeks often ask ourselves and it looms larger today when our own love and affection for our western allies appears to have been basely betrayed.