Article Selection

Campers at Work

For the third year running, AFS/Hellas will be bringing young campers from abroad to Greek villages and putting them to work on community projects requiring motivation, muscle and mirth. Both the visitors and the communities they visit will be the richer.

In the Shadow of Mount Athos

In 1972, a Boston University anthropologist went to Ammouliani, a fishing village beneath Mt Athos, to spend 16 months with a Greek community transplanted from Asia Minor. A very special relationship and book resulted.

The Voice of the Turtle

The Greek Sea Turtle Protection Society was founded in 1983 to protect some very special expectant mothers. At stations manned by Greek and foreign volunteers, and up and down the nesting beaches of Zakynthos, “turtlers” are working to educate (and reeducate) visitors and islanders alike about the endangered Caretta caretta

Francohellenic Alliances

During the last few months the French Institute has been celebrating its 15th anniversary. Promoting France’s very special intellectual values while embodying the fine flavor of its daily life, this monument to culture also has its sentimental side. Two of its directors fell in love and married brilliant Greek women.

The Second “Ohi”

General Metaxas’ “No!” is well remembered but Prime Minister Alexander Koryzis, who replaced the dictator, also had his day – when Prince Erbach visited him the morning of 6 April 1941, and was shown the door.

The Chaos Continues

From “The Looting of Greece” to the booting (temporary) of the cabinet, it’s been an interesting month in the capital. Posters announce the people have “had enough”, but PASOK won its vote of confidence in parliament and the circus is still in town.