Article Selection

Growing Pains at the Benaki

The Museum’s deputy director, Amalia Yeroulanou, talks about the rearrangements and extension which will make it the only institution in Athens which displays the whole sweep of Hellenism under one expanded roof. Unfortunately, the neighbors are complaining.

A Three-Museum Family

The Demetris Z. Pierides Collection in Glyfada is one of the most important centres of contemporary art in the country. Pierides is the scion of a Cypriot family, the first of whose three museums was begun a century and a half ago

From Victory to Victory

The Greek offensive against the Italians in Albania just 50 years ago this month was the first military success of the Allies in World War II. Beyond the bravery and endurance of the Hellenes and the gallantry with which they threw back a far greater power, the Albanian campaign had an incalculable impact on the world by proving that the Axis was not invincible

Wearing Silver

The traditional jewellery in the possession of Katerina Korre-Zografou may be the richest private collection of this craft in Greece. The silver costume pieces alone are a stunning historical display of three centuries’ achievement in a superb folk art.