Willard Manus


The village of Lindos was still a quiet, primitive place when we first encountered it eighteen years ago. We were immediately won, even though our initial impression of it was all wrong. Seen from the heights of the approach, Lindos was undoubtedly beautiful, but on the “picturesque” side.

The Firedancers

Everything we had heard or read about the firedancers of Greece turned out to be wrong. We had been led to believe that the men and women who take part in the annual ceremony were a strange, even satanic lot, that the ceremony had its roots in pagan, Dionysian rites, that the dancers drank heavily for days and worked themselves into a frenzy in order to walk barefoot on the red-hot coals. Yet another source insisted that the whole thing was a fraud, a carnival show put on for money, a piece of flimflammery.

Fishing in Greece

Fishing has always been a tough way to make a living in Greece but from time immemorial Greeks have loved, feared and fished the sea, praying first to the god Poseidon and later to Saint Nicholas, the patron of seafarers.

A Superstar Centre

FOR SOME time now Rhodes has been the Majorca of the Aegean. Practically every cruise ship plying the eastern Mediterranean touches down there. In recent years as many as 150 charter and regularly scheduled flights arrived weekly from northern Europe and elsewhere.