Michael Aust

The Posidonia Connection

The biggest event in the maritime world, the Posidonia exhibition and forum which is held in Greece every two years, will take place in Piraeus in early June. Those who were here in 1976 will no doubt remember the vast invasion of thirsty shipping men who drank Athens dry of tonic water—a disaster that sent frantic hoteliers out into the countryside buying up every bottle in sight.

Touring the Argolid

Are you planning to visit the festival at Epidaurus? Most visitors make it in a one-day dash, but you may wish to continue it with a tour of the area. Michael Aust outlines such a tour and provides tidbits of information to supplement that which may be found in tourist pamphlets or guide books.

Metsovo: Life Above Sea Level

About a hundred kilometres inland from the west coast port of Igoumenitsa lies the lake-side city of Ioafinina, as colourful and fascinating as they come. A city with a history that has left it with a certain atmosphere that clings to its old walls like the morning mist over the lake.