Alec Kitroeff

Indian Summer in Arcadia

WHEN a UPI reporter recently broke the news that American School of Classical Studies archeologists in Athens had discovered the famous Poikile Stoa in the ancient Agora, the Greek papers cried ‘foul’ and claimed the Americans had reserved the scoop for their own media instead of first informing the Greek authorities about their find.

The Case of the Missing Subway Train

THE Minister of Communications made an announcement the other day to the effect that construction would finally begin on the projected Athens Subway system with the digging of two test tunnels, one at the junction of Vassilissis Olgas and Amalias Avenues and another at Sepolia.

Coffee Break

I AM not normally in the habit of communicating intelligibly with my internal organs. Indeed, apart from an occasional rumble from my stomach and an unobtrusive but steady heartbeat, the silence of my insides is exemplary.

Safe, Stiff and Sound

DURING the recent earthquakes in Athens, many families decided the safest place to be was in the family car. The experiences of one such family are described in the following letter, sent to reassure a concerned relative abroad.

The Juju in the Doll

AT a cocktail party last month I saw Costaki Dyskilios again, standing alone with a glass in his hand and the customary constipated look on his face. Everybody else was talking about the recent release of the American hostages in Iran and I asked Costaki what he thought about the whole affair.

A Meeting of Madams

AMONG the many meetings held under EEC auspices in Brussels and elsewhere to discuss various problems and promote the cause of European unity, a singular one took place last month in the Belgian capital.