Alec Kitroeff

The Greek Non-Work Ethic

I knew the end of summer had come when, in late September, I found myself attending a business lunch in one of Athens luxury hotels that, like all its rivals in the same category, was still reeling from the disaster of an Americanless season and was falling over itself, or at least its PR people were, to make the·function a memorable occasion.

Pale Safe

By the end of July, most Athenians have aquired a tan-some by swimming and sunbathing and others by just walking in the streets of central Athens. The first-mentioned tan is usually a healthy, brown one.

In the Steps of the Master

Akimbo Akimba, President of the Central African state of Wakanaka, rose from his desk to greet the emissary from the International Monetary Fund who had come to investigate and report on the country’s application for a restructuring of its previous loans and for a further loan to tide it over the next six months.

Cutting Down

Grigoris Grafiokratis was the department head of one of the more important ministries in Athens and for two weeks he had been trying to see the minister with no success.

A Different Kazan of Balik

The time has come to take another look at the ongoing saga of the Freaks and the Jerks – two races of lovely people who live in beautiful countries on each side of a sparkling blue sea but who simply cannot get on together.

Application Form

In an effort to recruit new blood before the April 8 elections, the Panhellenic Socialist Movement, better known as PASOK, distributed a large number of application forms throughout the country to people who might wish to join the Movement.