Alec Kitroeff

B.A.T.S. in the B.E.L.F.R.I

Wht is it that the British and the Americans have always shown a fondness and a weakness for the Turks? This is a question we Greeks often ask ourselves and it looms larger today when our own love and affection for our western allies appears to have been basely betrayed.

A Divisive Issue

The two or three weeks before the referendum on the monarchy provoked a great deal of enthusiasm and not a little rancour between people who had heretofore been the best of friends. Peaceful dinners were transformed into battlegrounds and even the sacred family unit in some cases was split asunder.

The New Democracy Begins

THE results of our first parliamentary elections in ten years came as a surprise to a great many people, not because they were won by the New Democracy party of Constantine Karamanlis but because of this party’s unprecedented majority.