Letter from Friki

Hotel Xenophilia, (‘A’ Class), Island of Friki, Greece

January 12, 1988

Mr Seymour Sisskind
1456 Ocean A venue
Santa Monica, CA 90401

Dear Mr Sisskind,
It is with great anxiousness that we are observing that we have not received your annual letter of reservation for you and the graceful Mrs Sisskind for your vacation in our beloved country, our beautiful island and our at your disposal hetel.

It is greatly possible that your letter is in the post office but is not coming to us yet because of the strike of the postal men but so much is my anxiety that I am going to the post office every day where my wife’s second cousin Agisilaos is working, except now when he is on strike, but he goes there to arrange the sacks. He looks at the envelopes for me but your letter does not exist.

Dear Mr Sisskind, I am reading in the newspapers that because Wall Street is collapsing many Americans are losing a lot of money and will not go on vacation this year. I am reading also hat because the dollar is falling all the time Europe is too dear for Americans now. I know this, Mr Sisskind, because I am going with Mrs Kalosoridis to Paris last October and we are finding the prices fiery.

You must know, however, that the drachma is also falling and that our prices are now the most interesting for you, as you will see from the enclosed catalogue. Also, because you are a beloved client of ten years I make a ten percent reduction for you, only you must keep this a mystic.

You will be delightful to hear that ntil we open at Easter season we are doing many renovating tabors on the hotel like tinting all the insides and outsides and putting a new telephonic central and calculating machinery so that you can telephone from your room everywhere in the world and your account is entered by automatic.

Also, we are installating a pantry on every floor so your breakfast in the room comes with hot coffee or tea and not cold like before when it came from the kitchen.

On the beach we are putting a shower with sweet water so you are not salty after the bath and also pedalos and wind surfers. Perhaps we will have a teacher for wind surfing because my nephew Aristotelis who is a student and will come in the summer says he knows wind surfing very well. He is asking for too much money now but perhaps when he is tight in May he will come for less.

Also, the Folkloric Society of Friki is offering to make shows two times a week at the hotel, of folkloric dances by the girls in the traditional costume and the boys with the handerchief. I am not sure it will happen yet because there is not very much space in the dining room and I am afraid of the kicking which is possibly making damages.

Finally, Mr Sisskind, we are putting a video in the salon and will show American films of social drama and comedy and also films of great action with Charles Bronson and Henry Ford.

My daughter Aspasia will select the films from the Video Club because she is going to the cinema from a little girl and knows everything.

Dear Mr Sisskind, I am hoping to receive your letter with the reservation very soon and you can be assured that like always we shall do everything to comfort and enjoy you.

With honor,
Xenophon Kalosoridis,