A Tale of Mystery and Imagination

With apologies to Edgar Allan Poe.

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary,
Over many a weighty tome of economic law.
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of someone gently rapping, on my Kastri door.
“Tis just Margaret,” I muttered, “only her and nothing more.”
Quoth the people: “Nevermore!”

Ah, distinctly I remember, it was in the bleak December
When I met her, that Liani, and at once I saw.
That between us thete’s communion, which one day must end in union
A perfect match without a flaw.
With passion I’ll pursue her and in her arms my heart outpour.
Quoth the people: “Nevermore!”

But stay, is that erratic bim-bom, of my heart a simple symptom
Of .my love or is it, curses, something more?
I’ll have a thorough cardiac checkup and with luck I’ll maybe end up
With just a caution, like before.
I’ll go at night when no one’s looking, through Ygeia ‘s small back door.
Quoth the people: “Nevermore!”

Pray why expressions of alarm, from doctors who are always calm?
Is not my heart just mildly sore?
“Nay,” said they, “your heart to salve, you’ll need a new aortic valve,”
“Cause yours is rotten to the core.” ·
“Also you must lose some weight, not less than kilos twenty-four.”
Quoth the people: “Nevermore!”

“And will you operate?” I asked. The doctors there all looked aghast,
And cried: “We’ve no spare parts in store!”
“To London you must go,” they said, “and at Harefield you’ll book a bed,
“PASOK will pay: that’s what it’s for.”
“You’re damn right about that,” I said, “because sans moi it’ll be no more
Quoth the people: “Nevermore !”

And so, with Liani, off I went, to London operation bent
With bodyguards and press galore
And ministers to heed my orders , e’en outside of Greece’s borders
Cause delegating I abhor.
Except to Yannis of Defense, a man I mightily adore.
Quoth the people: “What a bore!”

And Menios too, a trusty lad, though not the best I’ve sometimes had,
Who’ll hold the fort and mind the store,
While I’m under Yacoub’s knife, giving battle for my life,
And strong again. I’ll win once more
The votes of all who’ll love me as they’ve never done before!
Quoth the people: “Nevermore !”